2024 9th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Conservation (ICREC 2024)


The European territory of Italy is part of the Schengen Area (pdf) which encompasses multiple European States to form a common space of free movement for persons.

To submit a visa application, you must provide at least the following :

  • A travel document (original + copy) in good condition, issued less than 10 years ago, with at least two blank pages, which is valid for at least three months after the date on which you have planned to leave the Schengen Area, or in the event of a long stay, which is valid for at least three months on the date on which the requested visa expires. However, in the event of a duly proven emergency, this final requirement may be waived.
  • 2 recent ID pictures in ISO/IECI format (pdf)
  • The supporting documents (originals and copy) depending on your situation and your plan

Invitation Letters

1. The invitation letter will be issued after the successful registration.
2. Your name must be listed exactly as it appears on your passport. Any differences between the name on your passport and the name on your invitation letter or other documentation could lead to a delay and/or denial of your visa.
3. Please note ICREC Conference and the organizing committees of the conference are not authorized to assist with the VISA process beyond providing the Notification of Invitation Letter issued by ICREC Conferences and conference Committee Board. Should your application be denied, ICREC Conferences and the organizing committee of the conference cannot change the decision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, nor will ICREC Conferences and the organizing committee of the conference engage in discussion or correspondence with the MOFA or the Embassy on b ehalf of the applicant. The registration fee cannot be refunded when the VISA application of individual being denied.
4. It takes around one month for the Embassy to process the VISA application, please register as early as you can to make sure you have enough time.